Just One Of Them Days

Just One Of Them Days
Today is ridiculously funny thank you Lord I needed a good laugh 😘

Life can be sad, hilarious & sometimes outright strange. Guess my grandma was right when she said you will forever learn or go ahead & die. Sounds funny they always had funny little sayings. They kinda stuck in my head. I was like a sponge around the elders. I would oil scalps, comb hair, scrub feet in a metal tub just to be able to sit around and listen to grown folks talk. They would always before one would leave to go home give you a word of advice. I always loved those as we would walk them to the door. Just a typical day growing up. I think about those days often because that was a carefree time when life was about living, relationships, friendships, togetherness, community, faith, and most of all pride in who we were.

When families worked it out and big momma sit everyone down and remind you that a family that prays together stays together. Taught the foundation of staying together and the value of it. I often think back to that time now since I'm a gamma and wondering how life will be like for him. The schools will he be able to go? To a game or movie? To the park and play and not have a care in the world just enjoying being a child. I'm always thinking ahead. Always thinking what could I do to ensure that for him. Could I write a law, sing a song, or write something. I do a lot but you get what I'm saying. Getting those little sayings from my elders them teaching me the foundation of how to maneuver through life and the lessons it brings. That it's okay to be you. A lady dresses like this and speaks like this. Take this advice I've lived and seen and if you listen you gone learn something. You gone learn something is what they always said and learn you did. They sit you down and tell you about life and the struggles they endured. I never took the sacrifice my elders made for me for granted. I couldn't I heard from their lips what it took for them to be where they were. How they survived with such a violent time in history. Yet, still finding the joy and laughter out of life. I often think back to that time not to get stuck but to remember my roots. In my foundation in life. What did they do to prosper mine had faith. And faith was taught to be the foundation to stay as a unit with prayer of course. They were spiritual that's where we get the Negro spirituals. They made up songs and some was just a moaning of the spirit. And because of that they walked in power and authority. All the way to the white house and got rights. That spiritual foundation changed history. It is the spirit that changes history and gets your name remembered long after you leave the earth. Don't believe look throughout history. They made it to the history books openly acknowledging their foundation. I just realized it's God that makes legends and legends change tradition. Check history facts for reference you will see they did something to change the way it's always been.

It's a different vibe, spirit to a legend. Their different which makes then stand out, they challenge the status quo. Think back before automobiles I bet most know a name of a person who created it. Or the airplane, civil rights movement, women right to vote, E=Mc2 who came up with that? I state those facts as to how as a country we built it upon a spiritual principle. One nation under God and in God we trust are examples of the foundation being spiritual. Destruction never hit a place until a place forgot about God. I was taught to always keep God 1st that foundation is crucial. Those little let me give you a piece of advice moments. Maybe, it's doing what your purposed to do makes you a legend. I mean we're born for a reason and maybe when we accomplish what we're born for we end life as a legend. That's why we need the spiritual foundation because who knows us better than our creator. I find it funny when we forget about the foundation and build and it doesn't last. A storm came and destroyed it. The difference in having the spiritual foundation is that it's set up for generations to come, or you can set up the one when the storm comes it's destroyed. Free choices in this life on whether one chooses life or death, blessings or curses for generations to come.

Could you imagine pretending to be another race, ethnicity just to get a service in hopes you won't get exposed. Or, not getting served because your the wrong race or ethnicity. Not getting to see the new movie, wrong color or a riot broke out so it's unsafe. Man, I don't know if I could have made it. The stories I heard were amazing showed bravery and courage. And this was from women that would tell you to put your big girl pants on. They didn't take no mess but we respected them because we knew they loved us and wanted the best. They had no problems telling you the truth either. Deep down we knew they were right we might not wanted to hear it, but we knew grandma got me again. They were just wise. You could call them about anything. Everybody was like a momma regardless of if they birthed you or not. This is why I often think about those carefree days!

For more info visit our website at www.bytvlive.com and order you a copy of the Lifeline Series. Thank you as always motivate somebody, love much, laugh much and I love you❤
