The Hoarder

The Hoarder

The Hoarder just can't let go of junk
Cluttering up their home and their emotions
Holding on to things of no value
Maybe a sentimental attachment
Never letting go and embracing what's in the heart The new
The direction the universe is leading
Being stuck in a time that has passed
Stuck in the past
See your home represents your private hidden parts
The depths of one and their emotional state
Clutter says I'm just not dealing with life or the emotions
Some call it baggage
Some may call it bad housekeeping
A psychological component to it
Asking the question, “The thing you hold on to what is it's necessity?”
“Does it work for the life you desire in the present?”
Are they just things we become accustomed to
But they lack the fulfilment they once had
Yet we hold on to them
Is it due to a deep down fear of rejection
Or losing a piece of you
Hoarding is someone who collects things in their home obsessively, including things that would commonly be thrown away
Cluttering up the life for anything new
Emotions and attachments are some powerful things when you lack a direction for your life
It shuts down the flow of energy which is a life source
Energy flows but gets stuck when it's unable to move freely
Feng shui is captivated by clutter
Feng shui uses the energy force to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment
Bringing the balance crucial to one thriving in life
The balance of the yin and yang
The harmonizing of life and the universe
Not stifling your energy source
It's spring and with spring comes spring cleaning
Removing all that hinders harmonizing and energy flow
Hoarding and clutter sucks the life out of you
And without life your not living
And who wants to be alive and not live
Harmonize your life and watch your life flourish
For it's the plan for one's life to have life and life abundantly
Feng shui with the universe
Then you will be like the universe
Ever expanding into what you were created to be
Redecorate your life and soar into the powerful universal being you are

Read more on the importance of your energy by ordering a copy of the lifeline series "Sex and Relationships Vol. 1, Maximizing your experience" available at Barnes and Noble and other outlets will be available soon! Also, you can find out the effects of not clearing out the clutter in your life by ordering "The Issues of Life, The Heart" the lifeline series gives you the the tools to live the life you were born for and deserve! Feed the whole you, your mind, body and spirit.
