Emotions Make You Cry Sometimes

Emotions, Emotions, Emotions

I’m sitting here listening to my music as always and I began to think about emotional connections. The power of an emotional connection can link one person to another person’s energy. You can actually communicate with each other through your energy. I always tell people when coaching on relationships is to be choosy who you choose to begin a relationship with. This type of relationship rarely happens and can be very intense with feelings. To the point of not being able to be apart from another. You have to be careful with these type of relationships as the feelings are so intense, you will do anything to be with each other. We have all heard the story of those great lovers in history. Cleopatra and Marc Anthony, Clark Gable, Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson, Eartha Kitt, and the list goes on. We have been raised to read the fairy tale romances and watch the movies of finding that true love. But, what do you do if it happens to you? Do you even believe it can happen to you?

We have heard the songs of being crazy and madly in love. We sing them and visualizing that one day it will find us. The story of your Knight in shining armor coming to save you and whisk you away to a magical kingdom far, far away. We can’t forget the horse and carriage, we can leave the glass slipper out. Emotions are so powerful and must be mastered with control. Having control over one's emotions doesn’t mean you allow yourself not to feel. It means always keeping your feet on the ground. Knowing that we are human and that perfect fairy tale romance doesn’t exist too often. Now, that’s not to say get walked on, boundaries are healthy to any successful relationship. Emotions are not a bad thing they are alarm clocks. Waking you up to how you are relating to a situation, person, boss, co-worker, and all that everyday living brings us. People can surely stir up one’s emotions. Some good, some bad. But, they are waking you up and saying pay attention to this. Why are you feeling this or that way? Deal with the root so that you can control the emotion, which leads to action. Uncontrolled emotions can lead to dangerous territory, and Controlled emotions will keep your feet grounded. You are able to deal with the issue at hand in the most logical way. Knowing oneself, knowing your trigger’s so no one can use them against you, now that’s Power and Control. All together beautifully, and you are looking spectacular by the way you manage not only yourself but also your emotions. This leads to success, because success is stressful, and managing stress is important. Important for health reasons, and success you obtain in your life. If you can handle the stress you can get that promotion. Emotional health is just as important as your physical health. Having your emotions out of whack affects more than just your relationships, as you can read in my book “Issues of Life ‘The Heart’” available on BarnesandNobles.com you will see how it affects your physical health.

One way of gaining emotional control is by meditating. This will allow you to become quiet and hear that soft voice that speaks to us always, but the noise keeps us from hearing. Meditation is the reboot for the brain and the shutting the system down. Shutting down your brain of thoughts causes you to get complete rest that your body needs to sustain its youth. Being in a meditated state allows your body to totally relax and the body automatically begins to lengthen and stretch. This causes the blood to flow better throughout the body. Stress and not dealing with your emotional alarm clock causes the muscles to tense up which in turn causes the body to ache. The older a person gets the stiffer their body gets, which slows down the blood flow. This causes arthritis and all types of issues. We live in a busy world, and resting while mediating for thirty (30) minutes will feel like eight (8) hours of rest. Just by the body becoming totally relaxed and at peace. Longevity is key to living, living healthy and happy is possible. Just by doing a few simple things can re-energize, rejuvenate and replenish the body. Deal with those alarm clocks coming from your emotions, and gain control of your feelings and your life. Knowing your triggers will never allow anyone to control you emotionally. Knowing yourself will never allow you to be told who you are. Emotional health is crucial to your Physical health. Keep the blood flowing and the pain out of your life. Remember, the body has a memory. It remembers your youth, your size, everything about you. It is you and I always say if you love yourself, yourself will love you. It’s just like a house when a house is not lived in and shown love it begins to cave in. Think of our bodies in the same way. If we don’t take care of ourselves and show ourselves love our body will begin to cave in on us.

Please visit www.bytvlive.com and order you a copy of the Lifeline Series. Happy New Year!
